What's Involved in Purchasing a Puppy from Argo's Kennels Boston Terriers?
If you are filling out this application to be placed on our waiting list, please be aware of the following conditions of sale. Please make sure you are willing to abide by the terms of our contract before filling out the application. A link to our contract is below. It is worded harshly to protect my dogs and these bloodlines but shouldn't be objectionable to anyone who is sincere in what they are looking for and their intentions for the puppy.

For Pet Puppies
Pet/Companion puppies: All pet/companion puppies are sold on Limited registration and must be spayed or neutered by the age of 18 Months Old and must not be bred. Buyer will furnish the spay/neuter certificate to the seller/breeder including confirmation from the vet that the microchip number of the dog spayed/neutered matches the microchip on record. Limited registration allows competition in a variety of other events but does not allow rights for conformation showing.

Show & Breeding Prospects
We do NOT Sell what we feel is pet quality to be bred.
Show & Breeding Prospects: Each show prospect is carefully selected based on their positive qualities and how closely they represent the BTCA/AKC breed standard. Due to unforseen changes that can occur while maturing, Argo's Kennels cannot guarantee the puppy's success as a show prospect. In most cases, a show prospect will require a co-ownership until the puppy has attained their AKC CH title and cannot be bred until this requirement has been filled. Specifics of this clause are listed below. Should the puppy not mature as expected and is no longer a show prospect, seller/breeder has the option to negotiate a reasonable solution such as, but not limited to, signing over co-ownership and dropping the title requirement, a discount on a puppy from a future litter that may be a better prospect for show, a replacement puppy, etc. Argo's Kennels is not required to do so under this contract however feels a buyer should receive what they expected and would like to leave this option for negotiation open.
We do not sell breeding stock to be used in breeding Disqualified Colored Boston's. Any dogs sold on full registration are to be bred to BTCA/AKC standard dogs only. Offspring those dogs are also only to be used in programs that breed only to standard and may not be sold to breeders who do not follow the standard and ethics set forth by the BTCA.
Argo's Kennels has made substantial investments in pedigree selection, health testing, breeding stock, showing, and building a solid reputation for quality Boston Terriers. Any misuse of the sellers/breeders bloodlines could result in irreparable damage to that reputation, therefore should a puppy that was sold as a pet or with conditional breeding rights be utilized for breeding in a program other than outlined in this agreement, Argo's Kennels will take legal action including repossession of the dog, recovery of punitive damages and recovery of all expenses associated in remedying the breach of contract including but not limited to: Attorney's fees, transportation, unpaid wages, shipping, and vet expenses. No refunds will be issued if any breach in contract results in a repossession of the dog. Buyer will turn over any and all registration papers (including transfer signature) and health records. Should buyer not allow Argo's Kennels to take peaceful possession of the puppy, buyer agrees to pay Argo's Kennels any court costs, attorneys fees or any other expenses borne by Argo's Kennels in the effort to secure possession of the puppy.
Typical prices range from $3,500 and up for pets, sport prospects, and $4,000 and up for show prospects.
We have a first right of refusal and a return home policy in our contracts.
We offer support via phone, email or Facebook messenger anytime throughout the life of your puppy.
Puppies are to be picked up in person, and any puppies being shipped out of state are to be shipped through EQ Pet Travel so that Jani Martin can evaluate the home in person.